Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 7.0 brings a set of thread-based APIs for continuous frame management and corresponding barcode decoding. It extremely simplifies the programming complexity, especially for Python. It is known that Python’s GIL ( Global Interpreter Lock) affects the performance in a multi-threaded scenario. Running computation intensive tasks in Python thread cannot improve the Python app performance. If you create a Python barcode scanner app with OpenCV and Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 6.x, Python multiprocessing is the only way for getting a high camera frame rate. With the thread-based APIs of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 7.x, your Python apps will not be limited by GIL anymore. This tutorial shares how to integrate the thread-based C/C++ APIs into Python barcode extension.
The New Barcode Decoding APIs for Video Frames
To read barcodes from continuous frames, you need to use following APIs:
- DBR_StartFrameDecoding()
- DBR_StopFrameDecoding()
- DBR_AppendFrame()
- DBR_SetTextResultCallback()
Starts a new thread to decode barcodes from the inner frame queue.
[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.[in] maxListLength The max count of frames waiting for decoding.[in] maxResultListLength The max count of frames whose results (text result/localization result) will be kept for further reference.[in] width The width of the frame image in pixels.[in] height The height of the frame image in pixels.[in] stride The stride of the frame image (also called scan width).[in] format The image pixel format used in the image byte array.[in] pTemplateName The template name.
Returns error code. Returns 0 if the function operates successfully, otherwise call DBR_GetErrorString to get detail message. Possible returns are: DBR_OK; DBRERR_FRAME_DECODING_THREAD_EXISTS; DBRERR_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID; DBRERR_NULL_POINTER;
Code Snippet:
void* barcodeReader = DBR_CreateInstance();DBR_InitLicense(barcodeReader, "t0260NwAAAHV***************");int errorCode = DBR_StartFrameDecoding(barcodeReader, 2, 10, 1024, 720, 720, IPF_BINARY, "");DBR_DestroyInstance(barcodeReader);
Stops the frame decoding thread created by StartFrameDecoding.
[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.
Returns error code. Returns 0 if the function operates successfully, otherwise call DBR_GetErrorString to get detail message. Possible returns are: DBR_OK; DBRERR_STOP_DECODING_THREAD_FAILED;
Code Snippet:
void* barcodeReader = DBR_CreateInstance(); DBR_InitLicense(barcodeReader, "t0260NwAAAHV***************");
int errorCode = DBR_StopFrameDecoding(barcodeReader); DBR_DestroyInstance(barcodeReader);
Append a frame image buffer to the inner frame queue.
[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.[in] pBufferBytes The array of bytes which contain the image data.
Returns the Id of the appended frame
Code Snippet:
void* barcodeReader = DBR_CreateInstance(); DBR_InitLicense(barcodeReader, "t0260NwAAAHV***************");
int frameId = DBR_AppendFrame(barcodeReader, pBufferBytes); DBR_DestroyInstance(barcodeReader);
Sets call back function to process text results generated during frame decoding.
[in] barcodeReader Handle of the barcode reader instance.[in] cbFunction Call back function.[in] pUser Customized arguments passed to your function.
Returns error code. Returns 0 if the function operates successfully, otherwise call DBR_GetErrorString to get detail message. Possible returns are: DBR_OK; DBRERR_FRAME_DECODING_THREAD_EXISTS;
Code Snippet:
void TextResultFunction(int frameId, TextResultArray *pResults, void * pUser){//TODO add your code for using test results}void* barcodeReader = DBR_CreateInstance();DBR_InitLicense(barcodeReader, "t0260NwAAAHV***************");DBR_SetTextResultCallback(barcodeReader, TextResultFunction, NULL);DBR_StartFrameDecoding(barcodeReader, 2, 10, 1024, 720, 720, IPF_BINARY, "");
How to Integrate C/C++ Thread-based APIs to Python Extension
Get the source code of Python barcode module built with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 6.x.
Since the new APIs are thread-based, a callback function is required for returning the barcode results. Can we call Python function directly via C/C++ thread? No! Here is what you should do according to the Python online documentation:
The code snippet of calling Python function from the native thread is as follows:
Save a Python callback function and start a thread pool to process barcode detection events:
Append frames to a buffer queue:
Stop the thread pool:
Python Barcode Reader
Create a Python file without Python threading or multiprocessing modules:
Run the script. We can see the time cost of invoking appendVideoFrame() function can be ignored:
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 7.0 is coming soon. If you are interested in the new version, stay tuned to Dynamsoft Barcode Reader homepage.
Source Code
Originally published at https://www.codepool.biz on July 7, 2019.